One thought on “Lack of Faith

  1. Welcome to the club ๐Ÿ™‚ It is natural to question things, especially during times of stress or trials. In fact, Allah wants us to question so that we can reflect and then truly commit- He doesn’t want us to be blind followers. But, just be careful about what exactly you are questioning. Are you questioning why Allah sent the specific crisis for you? If so, then just remind yourself that He only tests the ones that He loves- be happy you’re on His radar! Wouldn’t it be worse if He just didn’t pay attention to you anymore and let you be (like how teachers leave a student alone, don’t they end up doing bad in the class?). He sends them so that you can be refined, just like diamond is initially a rough, not so pretty rock, and has to be refined under immense pressure to become so precious.

    Also, if you’re questioning something–maybe it’s because you don’t understand the beauty or logic behind it? I’ve had that happen to myself a lot, especially being a feminist. But then, I started doing research into whatever didn’t make sense to me (hijab, role of women in islam, etc) and then after learning more, I got a better understanding of why Allah makes certain rules.

    Sorry if that’s a tangent- just tryna help ๐Ÿ™‚