Life is hard…and Wonderful

Life is hard…and Wonderful

You don’t yet know what wonderful gifts you have to give.

All those people around you that look so together are not.

You have only begun life as an adult with the power to choose. We all make bad choices on occasion. Sometimes even in the name of faith.

The pain of feeling like you just aren’t what you think you should be is very hard to endure. Try to forgive your past sins and listen closely to the Allah we all carry in us. Think about your sins and decide if you could have done better and how, then you will not have sinned without a purpose. Perhaps one or two of them were not sins at all; Allah is bigger than any book.

Use the teachings as a very good guide. Let Allah guide your life from within at times when the path is not clear.
Sometimes who we are doesn’t mesh with who our community wishes we were, and who we would like to be. This will happen a lot in life.

Go for a walk and look at the beautiful world how intricate and detailed it is, how complex. Look at all the other people and know that you are not alone; they all carry some sin. They are all conflicted. Yet they are beautiful and Allah loves them.

Endure this pain and become strong with it. Life has gifts for you that you cannot imagine yet. It will bring you more pain, yes, and life will also bring you wonders and joy.

Someday you will be a comfort to someone if not now, a hero, a mentor, a friend. Having gone through this you may be the one person that will be able to help another who needs help like you do now. It would be selfish to deprive the world of the person you are meant to become.

Stick around and see the many wondrous gifts life will bring. If upon contemplation your true path takes you in a different direction than those around you, then follow the Allah in your heart rather than take your own life.
Give Allah (and yourself) the chance to show you the beautiful meaning of your purpose on this earth.

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