Insightful Quotes

— Though roses and lillies and tulips are each beautiful on their own, the most beautiful of gardens is the most diverse.  May we always see the beauty in diversity, knowing the best in the garden of humanity is where we all come together happily with our different appearances, beliefs, and personalities.

— Though it may be tough for the seedling to grow through the soil, could it reach its potential if it had no soil to struggle through?  May Allah (God) give us the sabr (patient perseverance) to struggle through our soil so we can become strong, healthy and reach our potential!

— Even the most beautiful flowers wither and die if surrounded by weeds.  May Allah (God) keep the weeds away and surround us only by beautiful flowers.

— The spider puts his time and energy weaving his web thinking he is doing something good, but only if he stepped away would he realize how flimsy his web is.  May Allah (God) guide us to know and do what is truly good, from the inside and out.

— Just as some flowers appear beautiful but are poisonous, may Allah (God) protect us from people and things who’ll destroy us from within.

— The glass blower creates his masterpiece by repeatedly changing its environment until it’s soft enough to mold but strong enough to hold.  May  Allah make us soft yet strong, even in hardship, submitting as He molds us in the most of excellent molds.

— Though the leaves fall and flowers die every winter, before you know it, spring undoubtedly emerges with its meadows of fresh vibrant spring flowers full of new life!  May Allah always remind us of spring flowers to brighten our cold winter struggles!

— A wise man said “Your obstacles may be high but Allah (God) is Higher.”  May Allah minimize our obstacles and make them appear even smaller to us.

— As a baby is thrown in the air by his loving parent, the one who trusts and submits enjoys it smiling peacefully while the other cries fearfully.  May Allah, our Loving Creator, bless us to trust and submit to Him so we are smiling peacefully in even the most frightful circumstances!

— We close our doors, why?  To protect ourselves and those we love from dangers beyond our knowledge and control.  Thus, out of love for us, does Allah close doors to protect us from the dangers beyond our knowledge and control. May He bless us to trust in Him when He closes doors for us.

— Just as the seedling locked in a dark room never sees the sun and withers away, despite its immense potential to flourish into a radiant flower, so does the heart without thankfulness to God and His Creation.  May Allah bless us to see His Light in everything and everyone around us and thank Him for it always.

— The tree which survives all storms has its roots deeply and firmly planted, developing a trunk strong enough to stand and branches flexible enough to flow with the wind.  May Allah (God) bless us with firmly planted values of truth and goodness, and branches flowing with understanding and kindness.

— Even the ugly caterpillar has the potential to become a beautiful butterfly.  May Allah (God) bless us to find the butterfly potential in all.

— The tree must trust in Allah AND absorb His blessings to grow and bear the most beneficial fruits.  May Allah bless us to trust and leave it to Him to set our matters straight AND be open to recognize and accept and absorb His blessings, in the form of strangers, loved ones, circumstances, etc.

— As we continue insisting on our OWN way, we get stuck in chinese handcuffs.  May Allah (God) bless us to always try to do the right thing then submit and trust and find contentment in His Way to take care of things in the way He deems Best, even if it’s opposite from our way.

— A tiny candle can lighten even the darkest room.  May Allah (God) bless us to open our eyes to see the candles within and around us.

— Even the clay feels pain as the sculptor chips away to make his masterpiece.  May Allah (God) ease our pain as He molds us into His beautiful art.

— Just as our parents insisted we go to school knowing it would refine us n help us attain our potential despite our struggle against it, may Allah (God) bless so we, as adults, work through our own struggles to attain our potential rather than taking the easy route.

— Just as pieces of a puzzle initially appear to be a random mess, only after sabr (patient perseverance) do they come together to form a beautiful picture. May Allah (God) bless us with sabr to eventually c the random appearing pieces of our life come beautifully together.

— Just as we trust (& submit to) Allah (God) to make our bodies function with perfect precision while we sleep, may He bless us to wholeheartedly trust (& submit to Him knowing) He’s also making our lives and  circumstances function with perfect precision when we’re awake.

— Just as the true beauty of a caterpillar only becomes visible as it evolves into a radiant butterfly over time, may Allah (God) bless us to have patience with every single person we encounter so we may have the opportunity to discover their true radiance and beauty!

— Salt, when added to an entree enhances its flavor, yet the same salt, when added to a sweet desert ruins it. May Allah (God) bless us to to know ourselves that we may surround ourselves only with those who enhance us rather than ruin us.

— Each day the sun sets with all its joys and sorrows, good and evil, the sun rises again tomorrow for a new day, a fresh beginning. May Allah (God)  bless us to start each day as a new day, leaving behind yesterday’s sorrows & evils, and blessed with today’s good & joy.

— The frnd who randomly called just when we needed it most, the opportunity to help someone else when they needed us most, the desire we had that didn’t go our way but turned out to be a blessing in disguise: Subtle blessings! May Allah (God) bless us to always open our hearts to recognize, appreciate, thank Him, and moreso find peace in our hearts knowing He is always watching out for us when we need Him most!

— Just as it did when we were kids, the sun continues to rise and set at the same pace, so why do we rush through life now as though the days are shorter? May Allah (God) bless us to slow down, not loose sight of the big picture and cherish the blessings of each day!

— The sun, in all its glory, incessantly spreads its light, without the slightest reservation, as it submits to Allah (God) with complete faith that Allah never ceases to provide it light! May we always be blessed with full faith & submission to Allah (God) & incessantly spread our light and and all with which we have been blessed, without ever the slightest fear or reservation!

— A fruit’s seeds, planted and nourished with patience, grows into a tree whose fruit’s are enjoyed by all and whose seeds are re-planted as an ongoing charity.  May Allah (God) give us the patience to plant and nourish the seeds that benefit all and are sadaqa jariya (ongoing charity).

— A masterpiece is created not through a single stroke of the brush, but when every distinct brush stroke leaves an imprint and collectively come together to form a beautiful piece of art.  May we appreciate each life experience and every single person who crosses our path, allowing them to imprint our hearts and collectively come together as Allah (God) creates masterpieces out of our lives.

— Right now, and for the rest of the day, don’t think about the past, don’t think about future, just live in the moment and allow whatever it is that makes you happy bring a smile to your Heart, no reservations, no consequences.

— In times of hurt, anger, trial & suffering, be not as the dog that barks and whines, but as the caterpillar, who actively practices sabr, patiently persevering silently withdrawing into its cocoon while turning to its Creator to become internally strong and secure, so that it can evolve into a beautiful butterfly which flies freely and can weather any storm. May Allah (God) bless us to remember that our times of difficulty are merciful opportunities for us to practice sabr, so that we may evolve from the groundly caterpillar to the strong, secure, bright and beautiful butterfly that flies lightly and freely with nothing to weigh it down!