

I know people don’t start questioning everything until they reached a mature enough age. Until they were considered to be an “adult”. It’s gotten to the point where I stopped praying. I go to an Islamic school that has no morals. If you really knew me…

One thought on “Contemplation

  1. I am sorry to hear you are in that environment and you feel that your islamic school and the “adults” around you are letting you and everyone else down.

    It’s tough being surrounded by that. But this is your life. You don’t need let their negativity, let their poor decisions and their inability to not answer your questions to let you down. We are here for you you can always talk to us. If the adults don’t help you, use other online resources to try to get your questions answered. I am sorry you are going through that situation. You don’t have to let it get you down. Rise above it! When you are feeling weak let us know! You can do this and you don’t have to let your environment define you. You are you and you are powerful.