2 thoughts on “Temptation

  1. Salaam sweetie…we all feel weak at times, but alhamdulillah, Allah has truly made us so strong, we just have to remind ourselves of it. I’ve been through some really tough times myself and felt so weak that I did things I wish I hadn’t. Then I would just try to pray to Allah to please help make me strong so I don’t do things that I know will only hurt me in the long run. And slowly, the more I prayed, the less frequently I did things that would hurt me and alhamdulillah now I feel truly secure and know Allah is here for me and am reminded that I am also one of His excellent creations, as are you, because He says, “La qad khalaqnal insaana fi ihsani taqweem (Indeed We created humankind in the most excellent mould)” (95:4) so by nature we possess the highest capabilities and strengths…sometimes shaytaan just makes us forget, but Alhamdulillah, Allah reminds us…the same way Allah gave you the strength and courage to reach out to this website, and inshaAllah to be reminded of the excellence, strength and beauty you have within you!

    Oh and don’t laugh, but there’s this book called, “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero which I found quite empowering whenever I’d feel weak…you might want to check it out 🙂