“it’s easy to be mean to yourself and judge yourself because of the way you feel, but that isn’t fair to you”

Salaam Sister,

I want to commend you for reaching out about this, it had to take a lot of courage! I think it is natural to be curious about sexuality and bodies, especially when you’re young. It’s all new and different. I would give yourself a little bit of slack, I don’t think you’re a bad or horrible person for having thoughts about female bodies. Having such thoughts are not haraam.

It is important, though, to make sure that you are not acting out on those thoughts. I would do whatever I could to make sure not to indulge myself in watching porn or acting out with friends and the suggestions that the other commentators have given seem to be really helpful.

I also wanted to repeat another thing a poster above has mentioned, it’s easy to be mean to yourself and judge yourself because of the way you feel, but that isn’t fair to you. Try to be a little kinder to yourself and remember that Allah (swt) doesn’t test a person with more than they can bear, so He knows you can get through this.

May Allah (swt) give you strength and clarity. Don’t forget to make a lot of du’a about this. It may not always feel like Allah is responding, but He is, and He loves it when you turn to Him.

Read the original post here: Am I Lesbian?