3 thoughts on “Isolated Individual

  1. You are never alone! Allah is always with you! Whenever you feel alone, begin making du’a. Start counting your blessings, because when you begin to see the beauty around you, you begin to notice that you were never alone! Start with the air you breath everyday, to the trees, the sun that shines, the birds that chirp, etc. Allah would not grace you with such beauty if He left you alone. You are in my prayers.

  2. I feel alone almost every day. I have very bad self-esteem and constantly call myself a loser and loner because I feel as if I have no friends. I feel bad for people when they talk to, because I think that they are disrespecting themselves by talking to someone so worthless. I wish there was a way to turn off the voices in my head. I was bullied throughout my adolescent years, and it has taken a great toll on me. I wish everyday I could be the happy bubbly confident person I once was .

  3. I feel alone so often, even when i’m surrounded by people. But then i remember Allah is with me, night & day. Sometimes i talk to him at night, it helps 🙂